Addis Ababa, May 15, 2024 – In visit to the American Gibbi in Addis Ababa, United States Ambassador to Ethiopia, Ervin J. Massinga, delivered a poignant policy address today, highlighting the importance of human rights and national dialogue.
Reflecting on the tragic Yekatit 12 Massacre of 1937, Ambassador Massinga paid tribute to the thousands of Ethiopians who lost their lives and hailed the bravery of Chargé d’Affairs Cornelius Van Engert, who sheltered hundreds of Ethiopians within the Gibbi’s walls during the atrocity, showcasing an unwavering commitment to human rights.
In drawing parallels to contemporary challenges, the Ambassador outlined key facets of U.S. policy toward human rights, stressing the necessity of safeguarding human dignity and pursuing peace through dialogue, rather than resorting to violence. Addressing specific regions within Ethiopia and its governance structures, he urged earnest efforts for peace and reconciliation.
Emphasizing the pivotal role of the international community, Ambassador Massinga underscored the commitment of the United States to promoting human rights and facilitating dialogue. Despite acknowledged challenges, he reaffirmed the dedication to rectifying past errors and striving for justice.
In concluding his address, the Ambassador underscored the significance of Ethiopia as a right-respecting, stable, and vibrant nation for the African continent, advocating for inclusivity, transparency, and consultation in confronting challenges.
As the home of the African Union and a beacon of African pride, Ethiopia’s actions reverberate throughout the continent. A rights-respecting, stable, and prosperous Ethiopia is deemed fundamental for Africa’s collective advancement.
The United States Embassy in Ethiopia reaffirmed its steadfast commitment to collaborating with Ethiopian partners in championing human rights, fortifying democratic institutions, and fostering inclusive dialogue for the nation’s progress.
Editor’s Note : Source https://et.usembassy.gov/u-s-ambassador-to-ethiopia-delivers-policy-speech/